Out Like a Lamb?
March makes its exit on Thursday, which looks to be a pretty “lamb-like” day around here, if the forecast holds. Wednesday may have a taste of short-lived lion-like storms, we’ll keep watch for severe stuff developing. April Fool’s Day Friday should be sunny and in the upper 70’s, no fooling. What I’d like to find out is an “April Fool” would be the price of gas, huh?
So I’m back at work this week after our annual spring-break camping trip, this time around to the Arkansas river near Pine Bluff. Turned out to be a popular spot, but there was no shortage of solitude. Matter of fact, after a week of that riverside solace, it’s been a slow return to the ‘plugged-in” world. Speaking of “plugged-in” this will be my first blog from the new iMac the family gifted me for my birthday. My old Win 7 pc had served me well enough, but it was on its last breath, and had difficulty with the simplest tasks. The improvement over a ten+ year-old machine is remarkable to say the least, but now that I’ve let the cat out the bag, I guess I can’t blame my computer for any perceived work inefficiencies!
On the subject of work, if you are job-hunting or hunting for employees, be sure to check into our alpha Media Big Hiring Event April 26th. Details elsewhere here on this very website. Now here is some more camping scenery…
That’s all for now, thanks for visiting! See ya on the road…