Let The Sun Shine

If only for a day or two, we’ll take it, right?  It’s 80 just past Noon this Wednesday as I write, and the windowless office is becoming less desirable by the minute.  The welcome rain-free warmth  should continue until late Thursday, then cross your fingers and wait and see what the weekend brings.  Friday, being the 13th, may harbor bad omens for the superstitious, or maybe just rain.  I plan to enjoy it no matter what.  On Saturday it’s Beard Bash time, and the weather will play no role in dampening our fun!  More Here: https://www.facebook.com/events/2573399252888156/

And let me take a step back and call your attention to Thursday, National Girl Scout Day!  They are so much more than cookies, but the cookies alone would be a worthy contribution to society as a whole I think.  More on that here: https://nationaltoday.com/national-girl-scout-day/

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