Drive, He Said
If you learned to drive behind the wheel of an automobile with an instrument cluster similar to the one pictured, you may be what is referred to as an “older driver.” You may also actually know how an internal combustion engine functions, and might be able to identify hard to find components like a battery, spark plug wires, radiator and dip-stick. (Technically an “oil level indicator’) Hell, you might even have a relic known as a spark plug-gapping tool. It might be in a box in the garage along with your timing light, oil filter wrench, ring compressor and clutch-alignment tool. Bonus points if you still have one of those spouts you pierced the top of a quart of oil with, for a smooth, spill free pour into the thirsty belly of your 440. Ahh, the clean fresh scent of Valvoline in the morning! More extra credit if that powerhouse sports a quadrajet carb. Rebuilt the carburetor in the bathroom sink? Dean’s List in perpetuity!
I mention all this because this week is Older Driver Safety Awareness Week. To be fair, there is such a week for teen drivers as well, think that was October. I’m all for Safe Driver Awareness Week for Everybody personally. Everybody is going to have to deal with the unexpected behind the wheel, and be ever alert, aware and able to react. Sure, the older guy might be wondering if he took his angina meds or not as he zips by that stop sign. Maybe the teen has a big exam on their mind, when they almost miss their exit and careen over three lanes of traffic. Every age group is represented on the roadways, so I say the best advice is to look out for the other guy, regardless. But the younger folks might want to keep this in mind about us “older drivers,” we’ve logged more miles, and seen more problems, on the pavement and under the hood. Fair to say we’ve probably wrecked a few as the years ticked by.
But if your stranded on the side of the road and your chariot just won’t go, flag down a “seasoned driver” for assistance before you call for that wrecker. We might be able to take a look and get you going. Or, you can ask Alexa to open the hood and jiggle the red wire coming off the starter solenoid…
Happy Motoring!