Chow Down Al Fresco

Pleasant weather and more hours of daylight make for perfect outdoor dining conditions, and cooking-out is one of our most favorite summertime activities.  If you’ve always thought food tastes better consumed outdoors, you are not alone.  In a new survey, 71% of people say certain foods taste better in the summer, particularly watermelon, ice cream, and lemonade . . . as well as barbecued chicken, hot dogs, and corn on the cob. Of course, people don’t wait to bring out their killer hot dog recipe until the summer months . . . a big part of this is grilling, and eating outdoors. 40% of people love eating outdoors whenever possible . . . and 58% of them say they wish they could eat outside all year round. And 31% of people say they’re less bothered by eating “messy foods” in the summer than at other times of the year.  Crawfish boils come to mind in the messy department.  Always easier to hose down a table out back than trying to thoroughly rid your kitchen of the ‘bugs and accompanying gack.  Is it the fresh air that livens our taste-buds, the atmosphere or cameraderie?  Well, there’s no science behind the survey, so for whatever reason  you decide to dine beneath the shade of a tree or the glow of a summer moon, “Eat up!  And cheers to ya!”   Might wanna charge-up the bug zappers and douse yourself with repellent first…


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