All Paths Lead To Soggy Sandals

Soggy sandals, or whatever your choice of footwear may be.  We haven’t had too many breaks in the rain since it began in the early hours of Sunday morning.  Great for staying in and taking care of all those indoor jobs you haven’t tackled during the seemingly endless stay-at-home mandate.  Oh you’ve done all those things a dozen times over?  Shirts hung left to right in order of their color on the visible light spectrum?  Compact discs you haven’t listened to since you toted a flip-phone, neatly stacked, and moved to another location while you contemplate whether you really want to toss them.  Yeah, we’ve been productive enough inside already!  Who needs a rain day?

Well not I, nor the many other folks I’ve encountered the past few days getting out and taking care of business despite the occasional deluge.  When it comes to the same four walls over and over again, splashing through the puddles has been a welcome alternative.

Here’s a link to our 98 Rocks Weather page, to make this post more useful for you.

No complaints from the gardeners…

P.S.  The author has recently learned he will venture out into the rain to return to the 98 Rocks airwaves tomorrow, after a thorough sanitizing of the facility.  Rock-On safely!


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