Then Again…

I’m not much of “New Year’s Resolution” kind of guy.  I generally resolve to just live in the moment, take life as it comes and keep plans as fluid as possible.  Open to change always.   After this first month of 2019 however,  I think maybe I should change my idea of resolutions.  I could be well-served by this resolution: pay attention.  Pay attention to the little stuff especially.  It’s easy to miss the subtleties that often signal something amiss, or somebody trying to tell you something.  Pay attention to your physical and emotional state.  Keep an eye on the things valuable to you. Pay attention when you drive or work or play and most importantly, pay attention to the people you need and know and love each day.   Check periodically to be sure you are on the “same page” as those who play a role in your story.  If you don’t, you might go looking for them one day only to discover they’re working on a completely different chapter than you are.

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