Welcome to the All-New and Improved Year!! Yes it’s Sparkly-Fresh and completely redesigned for 2019, full of popular new intuitive features, conveniently arranged by days, weeks and even months or “quarters.” Revel at the 2019 Changing of the Seasons a popular annual feature that returns again in ’19 with more climate-crunched surprises than ever before! Politics your thing? Hang on to your hat Skippy, The Chinese Year of the Pig promises to be whirlwind for the Make-Greaters, Russia-Haters, Press-Slayers, Naysayers, Lib-Tards, Leo-tards and Froot-loops. Pacifists, protagonists, snowflakes and frosted-flakes pull up a folding chair and feel free to contribute to the group. I get a feeling we’ll have plenty to keep us amused this year. All the best!
Below, 1st sunrise of 2019 & visit from a Cardinal.